
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Health Tips For The New Year

Year after year we make resolutions to eat well, exercise regularly, give up smoking, etc... and most of us fail to keep these promises to ourselves.  Here are some practical ways to get AND stay healthy.

Strength Training.  Both upper and lower body.  Too many people neglect resistance exercise and it's particularly important for women.  It's crucial in preventing muscle and bone loss with age.  Lift weights for at least 20 minutes 2-3 times per week.

Eat More Fish.  There is strong evidence the oils in darker types of fish such as: salmon, tuna, and mackerel are beneficial for the heart and brain and may lower cancer risks.

Drink Water.  No matter where you are or what you're doing, water should always be the first thing you reach for when you are thirsty. 

Get 8 Hours of Sleep.  Plenty of studies show that you need at least 8 hours of sleep a night.  It makes you feel better, boosts memory, and decreases risk of cardiovascular disease.

Quit Smoking.  I smoked for about 10 years and quitting was THE BEST health decision I ever made.  I know it's hard.  It took me a long time to finally kick the habit, but it's so worth it.  If you're having a difficult time, start by smoking less.  Smoke half a cigarette instead of a full one or try to cut out a smoking break at work.  Figure out why you smoke and how best to stop it.  There are support groups, medication, and nicotine patches that can help you.  I tried different methods, but what ultimately worked for me was using the patch and becoming a mentor to a young teenager.

Focus on Eating, Not Dieting.  Eat 5-6 small meals a day.  If you wait until you're hungry, you're more likely to overeat. (Especially in the evening)  Don't wait all day and then stuff your face in the evening.

Don't Drink Too Many Calories.  It's SO easy to drink calories without noticing: that eggnog latte at Starbucks has nearly as many calories as a Big Mac!  It's okay to have one as an occasional treat, but consider it a meal, not a drink. 

Which tip did you find the most useful?

Portions of this post were adapted from

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