Tuesday, May 27, 2014

21 Day Fix - Day 2

Today's Workout: Upper Fix

I'll be honest, I could barely get out of bed today because I was that sore from yesterday's workout.  It was so bad I actually used the elevator at work to go downstairs this morning. I would have taken it back up had there not be a person in the lobby.  

But that's to be expected when starting any new workout program. I've personally found it takes about a week for the soreness to go away, so as much as it sucks you have to push yourself past that uncomfortable feeling.

I woke up 20 minutes late this morning and was worried I wouldn't have enough time to do my workout until I remembered it's only 30 minutes long.  

As I approached the 21 Day Fix DVD set I was happy to see the workout was called "Upper Fix" and not "Lower Fix" because my legs were killing me.  You're supposed to have a set of light weights and heavy weights, but I didn't know that until I started so I just used my 5 pounders.  I had the option to use a resistance band or no weights at all, but felt I wouldn't get as good of a workout.  That's one of things I love most about the workouts, there are plenty of ways to modify the exercises and there's a "modifier" in the workout that shows you HOW to properly modify each one.  Overall, I felt like I got a great workout today and am excited to try the others.

Today's Food

Mango/Pineapple Shakeology

1 red and 1 purple container

A Small Fuji Apple

1 purple container

Salad w/ Chicken & Asian Vinaigrette

2 green + 1 red + 1 orange

Also for lunch...
Baked Sweet Potato

1 yellow container

Hard Boiled Eggs

1 red container

Beef w/ Veggies, Black Beans, Cheese, & Hot Sauce

1 red + 1 yellow + 1 green + 1 blue

Day 2 done!  Only 19 more to go!

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