When you're eating healthy all week it can be easy to let your guard down on the weekends. It's very important to have a meal plan in place to avoid temptation. With that said, you should always have a Cheat Meal scheduled. Notice I said Cheat Meal not Cheat Day. Here are some tips to help you get through the weekend.
1. If you are going to a restaurant check out the menu AHEAD of time. Most restaurants post their menus online along with the nutritional value. Decide on what you're going to eat BEFORE you get there, so when you sit down at the restaurant you won't have to open the menu and be tempted. Skip the bread and tortilla chips, they have no nutritional value and will fill you up before you get your meal.
2. If you are going to a party eat before you go or drink Shakeology on your way there. Offer to bring a healthy appetizer or main dish. Make every party about socializing with others and not about the food. Keep your conversations away from the food table and offer to clean up so you're not forced to sit around and watch everyone eat.
3. No matter where you are make sure you drink lots of water! You'll feel full quicker and will stay hydrated.
4. Always have a plan. If you are traveling, going to a sporting event, or are running errands all day, pack a small cooler with healthy snacks. Make sure to throw in an extra snack so you're not caught in a situation where you've been out longer than expected and have nothing to eat.
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